About eduCAST
Hey there! All the way through med-school and residency I was frustrated by the expectation to learn the complex, dynamic concepts from the pages of a textbook or bullet-points on a website. As an academic surgeon and trainer, I have been striving to give my students and fellows a better experience. I want to give my trainees a new path to understanding. The way I would’ve wanted to learn.
eduCAST is the culmination of years of teaching, practice, and partnerships to push medical education in a new direction. We’ve always known we needed to do better—eduCAST is allowing us to start that journey.
So please signup, engage with our content, and—most importantly—reach out and let us know how we’re doing. Your feedback is incredibly important to us!
We’re thrilled to have you!
“We’re building a world class educational experience for the world’s classroom.”
- Dr. Amit Atrey